Lenten Journey 2017

February 23, 2017

Ash Wednesday Service

2017 Season of Lent will begin with Ash Wednesday Service at Paul the Apostle on Wed. 1st of March 7pm, led by Rev Hoon You. Prayerfully join us as we begin this 40 days of Lenten journey to Easter.

Lenten Study: On The Way Together 2017

This year’s Lenten Study will be led by Rev Ross Carter and Rev Hoon You, starting from 8th of March, 7pm, for 4 Wednesdays at the Parish Mission Centre. Invitation is to all members of our Parish Mission to journey with and respond to two questions;

  • Who are we?
  • What are we called for?

In order to answer these questions we will have Four Conversations:

Week 1: Gifts Mapping ConversationĀ (Who are we and our neighbour?)

Lenten study 2017 OTWT-1

Lenten study 2017 OTWT-1 Notes

Week 2: Appreciative ConversationĀ (What is our mission?)

Lenten study 2017 OTWT-2

Lenten study 2017 OTWT-2-Note

Week 3: Foresightful Conversation

(Where does God guides us?)

Week 4: Engaging Conversation

(How can we be a missional church?)

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